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A&L NET Message Summary - 28 Oct 21

A&L NET words displayed over the foggy interior of a military vehicle with two soldiers in combat uniform providing patient care and a radio mic in a hand
Aid And Litter NET on milSuite

1. A&L NET

a. 99TH SRIP EVENTS (MASS MEDICAL AND LEVEL LL DEPLOYMENT). See the following link for the dates and locations of the 99th RD SRIP mass medical and SRP2 events, Nov 21 – Jul 22.

b. ARNG/USAR MEDICAL POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE AS OF 28 OCT 21. Three positions available in HHC, 451st Sustainment Command (EXPEDITIONARY) and VAARNG AGR, 34TH Civil Support Team.

c. ARNG/USAR MEDICAL POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE AS OF 26 OCT 21. Six positions available in 55TH Sustainment BDE, USAR 335TH MED DET, 313TH MC HOSP CTR, and First Army Division East.

d. MILPER MESSAGE 21-408, RELEASE OF THE FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2021 MAJOR (MAJ), ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD), ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES (ARNGUS), ARMY RESERVE ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR AGR), AND ARMY RESERVE NON-ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR NON-AGR), COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES (CC), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS (PSB), ISSUED: [10/21/2021 1:09:35 PM]. This message announces the release of the results for subject promotion selection board (PSB). The Prepositioning Release date is 26 Oct 21. The official promotion list will be released at 0730 EDT, 28 Oct 21.

e. JOINT TRAUMA SYSTEM DEFENSE COMMITTEE ON TRAUMA AND ARMED SERVICES BLOOD PROGRAM CONSENSUS STATEMENT ON WHOLE BLOOD - JUL 2021. Hemorrhage is the most common mechanism of death in battlefield casualties with potentially survivable injuries. There is evidence that early blood product transfusion saves lives among combat casualties. When compared to component therapy, fresh whole blood transfusion improves outcomes in military settings. Cold-stored whole blood also improves outcomes in trauma patients.

f. ARMY MEDICINE NEWS 27 OCT 21. Topics: Travel, JBLM, World Health organization, Federal Workers, Woman’s Health, Children’s Learning, Vaccine Mandate, COVID Booster.

g. ARMY MEDICINE NEWS 26 OCT 21. Topics: Divergent, AECP, Height/Weight Standards, Walmart, False Claims Act, Moderna, Flu Vaccination, Weed ACH.

h. ARMY MEDICINE NEWS 25 OCT 21. Topics: Pharmacy, Italy, Walmart, Augmented Reality, Fibromyalgia, Pfizer, Wuhan, 1st Cav Div, Havana Syndrome, Tripler AMC, COVID Booster, Smart Bandage.

i. ARMY MEDICINE NEWS 22 OCT 21. Topics: MAMC, DOD Civilian, Delta Variant, Vaccine Mandate, Flu Vaccination, COVID Booster, Military MTF, COVID-19 Disinformation, Strategic Trauma Readiness Center.

j. ARMY MEDICINE NEWS 21 OCT 21. Topics: Tricare, Iraq, TBI, Pentagon, Pharmacy, DHA, Pregnancy, ABCP, BJACH, New York, White House, Health Care, Medical Maintenance, Al-Asad, Flu Season, Tape Test, Long Acting Reversible Contraception.

2. FORSCOM Casualty Response

a. QUESTION: WHAT ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL MEASURES DOES YOUR ROLE 1 USE/HAVE? We at the Joint Multinational Training Center are conducting research and gathering data for Role 1 entities to determine the gap that exists in environmental control capabilities that are organic (MTOE) vs what your unit has been augmented. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

b. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE ISAF/COALITION MEDICAL RULES OF ELIGIBILITY ADDED. The purpose of this SOP is to outline and establish a concise and consistent statement of eligibility and entitlement to ISAF and Coalition Force (CF) medical care and transportation provision for patients and casualties within the Combined joint Operational Area (CJOA).

c. APP 1 (MEDROE) TO ANNEX Q (Medical Services)_JTF-C_OPORD ADDED.


3. CMS and MSTCs


b. ARTICLE ADDED FROM NEXT GEN COMBAT MEDIC. Is palpable radial pulse a good estimate for systolic blood pressure? Next Generation Combat Medic.

c. SECONDARY TRAUMATIC STRESS IN EMERGENCY SERVICES SYSTEMS (STRESS) PROJECT, CONVERSION OF THE AAJT TO REBOA, AND FLUID WARMING TECHNOLOGY FOR AUSTERE ENVIRONMENTS FROM THE JOURNAL OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS MEDICINE PODCAST SPRING 2021. In this episode of the JSOM Podcast, Alex and Josh begin the podcast with an interesting open discussion about recent cases of patients travelling to Mexico to receive plastic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Josh and Alex provide their analysis on the articles outlining the Secondary Traumatic Stress in Emergency Services Systems (STRESS) Project and Conversion of the AAJT to REBOA in a Swine Hemorrhage model. Guest reviewer, Naval Special Warfare medic PJ Pelaez discusses the article on Performance Characteristics of Fluid Warming Technology for Austere Environments.


Please share this message with anyone seeking updates to stay current with medicine, casualty response and prevention, lessons learned, case studies, etc. It's time to rapidly and effectively increase transparency and communication to the lowest level to ensure we all have a common operating picture of medical operations. Messages will be sent on a weekly basis pending content and availability. Thanks for your time and support.

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REVOKE MEMBERSHIP: If you no longer wish to be a member of A&L NET go to the A&L NET Home Page, look on the right side of the screen for the "Actions" box, and click on “Leave Community.”

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