1. A&L NET Army milBook
a. New and Upcoming Calendar Events added to Calendar:
(1) TSNRP Family Research Interest Group “Care of the Military Family” Series Part III 8 Nov 22
(2) Clinical Overview of Cytopenic Myelofibrosis and Pacritinib 10 Nov 22
(3) Rethinking the Approach- Management of Elevated LDL-C in Patients with ASCVD 17 Nov 22
(4) Surgical Telementoring for Combat Casualty Care (STC3) – Part 3 Operational Telementoring for Prolonged Casualty Care 1 Dec 22
(5) The Joint Enroute Care Course (JECC) 28 Nov - 9 Dec 22
b. JOINT BLOOD SERVICE OFFICERS (JBSO) ANSWER. I'm in the process of conducting some research and am querying the field to see if there is a reliable way to find out who the respective COCOM (Combatant Command) JBPO (Joint Blood Service Officers) are at any given time? Their website and POC is found below. Their organization also has a Facebook page. The phone number is only checked by the administrative clerk periodically, so expect a non-immediate turn around. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/thread/271761
c. GTA 08-11-015 EMCC (ENHANCED MILES CASUALTY CARDS). Did you know that the Army MEDCOE has published a really helpful and expedient MASCAL training tool on 30NOV2021 known as the enhanced MILES casualty cards? The cards provide numerous casualty scenarios that include:Photograph (COLOR!) of injuries (no need to add simulation moulage if not available), Patient Instructions (to educate the patient actor if available), ital Signs associated with the casualties (prior to any sort of decompensation), these are provided at different roles of care. There are 48 scenarios with specific card numbers with different MOIs, diagnosis, Litter/Ambulatory categories, triage categories, and evacuation categories. The overview can be found on page 2. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/thread/273375
d. WHAT REGULATIONS COVER TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE MEDICATION STORAGE FOR MTOE UNITS? (QUESTION). Best response- TB-MED series covers it. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/thread/273309
e. ARMY PUBLISHING DIR COULD NOT LEAD ME TO SKOS FOR TCMC SETS. CAN ANYONE DIRECT ME? (ANSWER). All SKOs have been moved to AESIP. The MMIP portion on the USAMMA website is where I get the MES information when writing doctrine. Before you use the SKO you need to know what version of MES you have. That starts with issue documents. Don't inventory set against a document that may or may not have what you were issued. Also, sets receive upgraded equipment due to lifecycles. If unit supply doesn't have it, call the USAMMA rep for your area. Contact list found in M3PT. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/thread/273328
f. HEALTH DIPLOMACY A POWERFUL TOOL IN GREAT POWER COMPETITION JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY. Today, China is looking to compete with the United States for influence and access across Africa. Policy experts within the Department of Defense have focused on China’s effort to reach parity with the United States within traditional military domains; however, they have contributed less regarding the military policy implications of China’s expansion of medical and pharmaceutical assistance, an area that likely will continue to be a key line of operation in the post-pandemic world. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1203064
2. New and Updated Medical Regulations, CPGs, and Guidelines
a. ATP 4-02.6 THE MEDICAL COMPANY (ROLE 2) 08NOV2022. Army Techniques Publication 4-02.6 provides information on the structure and operation of medical companies in a Role 2 capacity within the theater of operation. It is directed toward the medical company leaders as well as the medical platoon leader and platoon sergeant who conduct medical operations at the Role 1 battalion aid stations and the Role 2 medical treatment facility. The tactics, techniques, and procedures provided are not all-inclusive. They provide a way of performing a particular mission but may require medical support based on mission, enemy, terrain, troops, time available, and civilian considerations with informational considerations. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1204773
b. CPG DEVELOPMENT PROCESS 27 SEP 2022 ID54. This CPG describes the current processes and procedures for CPG development, periodic review/update, verification, and publication. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1203042
3. Medical FORSCOM WIAS, ARNG, and USAR Positions
b. 99TH READINESS DIVISION, TPU, COL/60A, CMD SURGEON VACANCY, JBMDL, NJ https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1201335
d. ARNG 90/180 DAY BOOTS ON GROUND PROGRAM - CRITICAL VACANCIES https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1043014
4. Medical MILPERs, ALARACTS, Directives, Orders, & Announcements
a. FRAGO 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34 TO HQDA EXORD 225-21, COVID-19 STEADY STATE OPERATIONS (CUI), DTG: 282124Z Oct 22. Updates and changes as of 31 Oct 22. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1183847
5. Discussions on Medical Case Studies, Research, Guidelines, and Updates
a. INTEGRATING MILITARY AND CIVILIAN TRAUMA CARE SYSTEMS KUPAS 2016 PRESENTATION. To address its charge, the committee drew upon 5 case studies centered around common combat-related injuries that were also relevant to civilian sector trauma cases: Extremity hemorrhage, blunt trauma with cascular injury, dismounted complex blast injury, pediatric burn, severe traumatic brain injury. Case studies were used throughout the report to highlight military learning processes, gaps, and opportunities for improved translation of best practices to and from the civilian sector. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1204729
b. INTEGRATING MILITARY AND CIVILIAN TRAUMA CARE SYSTEMS KUPAS 2016 REPORT. Trauma care in the military and civilian sectors is a portrait of contradiction. On one hand, the nation has never seen better systems of care for those wounded on the battlefield or severely injured within the United States. On the other, many trauma patients, depending on when or where they are injured, do not receive the benefit of those gains. Far too many die needlessly or sustain lifelong disabilities as a result. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1204442
6. FORSCOM Casualty Response and Prevention
a. ANALOG/DIGITAL PRODUCTS FOR BN/BDE/DIV SURGEON CELL. A discussion was recently started on the CMF68 Senior NCOs page asking about what standard battle tracking and medical planning products are needed for planning at the Division and Brigade Surgeon Cells. The below listed items were given in response. Include these in your planning process and be well prepared for the way forward. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1203094
b. 2023 FORSCOM PRE-DEPLOYMENT TRAINING GUIDANCE WITH UPDATES. Forces Command (FORSCOM) provides individual, leader, and collective Pre-Deployment Training Guidance (PDTG) for units deploying in support of Geographic Combatant Commanders or ordered to be prepared to deploy. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1060462
c. MEDCOS EXAMPLE. Generic concept of medical support (Micro) and concept of medical support (Macro) examples from 4ID. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1203565
d. BDE MEDCOP EXAMPLE. Purpose: Inform and Provide Guidance. Agenda- MEDCOP, Medical Concept of Support, Daily Medical Report, Patient Tracking, ISOFAC plan, Quad Chart. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1203527
e. CASUALTY TRACKER EXAMPLE. This tracker includes, UIC, Rank, Name, BR#, MOS, Service, Gender, Location, Status, Casualty packet status, Casualty Status, and Pick up from BRC. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1203528
f. RAPID MEDICAL SITUATION REPORT (R-MEDSITREP) . General Instructions: Use to convey a quick, consolidated medical status report. The initial R-MEDSITREP will be due to the senior command medical staff element NLT two (2) hours after initial entry. Follow-on reports will be due every 2 hours after the initial report is provided or until directed otherwise. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1203530
g. MEDICAL SPOT REPORT (MEDSPOT). General Instructions: Use to report initial information on a casualty producing event or on medically significant incidents. The MEDSPOT should be transmitted as text, but can be sent by voice only during the initial stages of a military operation when other means of communication are limited or not available. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1203561
h. SAMPLE CASUALTY TRACKERS (DNBI, BATTLE, AND MTBI) https://www.milsuite.mil/book/thread/183132
i. ACTIVE DUTY MEDEVAC UNITS POC LIST (CDR/1SG) - UPDATED 8 NOV 2022. ***We do our best to keep these documents as up to date as possible so we'd like to encourage everyone to either use the embedded email link in the document itself or the comments section below to update us on any changes/updates. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-39687
j. MED MAINTENANCE LOG EXAMPLE. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1204005
k. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE LOG EXAMPLE. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1204006
l. ROLE 2 READINESS ASSESSMENT WITH ARSRA APPENDIX - FINAL 8 MARCH 21. Predeployment and BOG tool to establish readiness for surgical mission. Appendix for austere teams with operational focus. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-964608
7. Combat Medic Sustainment (CMS) and Medical Simulation Training Centers (MSTC)
a. WOMEN IN US MILITARY HISTORY, ACTIVE WARFIGHTER RESILIENCE, AND EVALUATING THE EFFECT OF AIRDROP ON FRESH AND STORED WHOLE BLOOD FROM THE JOURNAL OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS MEDICINE PODCAST SPRING 2022. This podcast is focused on research and contributions made by women in service to the military. We start with a review of "Women in US Military History" by Gretchen Garceau-Kragh. Guest medic HM1(FMF/EXW) Eric Dodson reviews "Active Warfighter Resilience: A Descriptive Analysis" by Nikki Barczak-Scarborov, et. al. Finally, we give an objective review of "Operation Blood Rain Phase 2: Evaluating the Effect of Airdrop on Fresh and Stored Whole Blood." The review is complemented by an interview with lead author Dr. (LtCol.) Roselyn Fuentes. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1204774
8. MEDCoE Lessons Learned and Project Warrior
a. COMBINING ARMS IN A CLOSE FIGHT. The latest CALL Publication, Combining Arms In The Close Fight by NTC is attached FYI. “Operations Group, National Training Center (NTC) created this publication to assist units in combining arms to win on the battlefield and is organized into three sections including BCT sustainment and medical practices. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1203251
b. LESSONS LEARNED TRENDS ANALYSIS BCT COLLECTION REPORTS MED BDE TF AARS. An AMEDD lessons learned trends analysis was conducted on BCT umbrella week collection reports and Medical Brigade/TF AARs from 2011 through 2012 to determine which Army Health System medical functional areas and primary tasks need further review under the capabilities-based assessment process. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1204414
Please share this message with anyone seeking updates to stay current with medicine, casualty response and prevention, lessons learned, case studies, etc. It's time to increase transparency and communication rapidly and effectively to the lowest level to ensure we all have a common operating picture of medical operations. Messages will be sent on a weekly basis pending content and availability. Thanks for your time and support.
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