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NCOER bullets for Achieves

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

150 Achieves bullets for Gets Results

We offer the largest collection of NCOER bullets for your use. These bullets have been pulled off of approved NCOERs and all of them can be found in our free NCOER Bullet Tool found in the tools section of our website.

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Example bullets broke down by topic, additional duties, and MOS. Plus, you get lifetime updates. Enjoy!

Met Standard

achieved 100% accountability of equipment during change of command inventories and had all identified shortages on order

effectively managed his section by ensuring 100% of his Soldiers completed SSD level 1 before attending WLC

efficiently led her fire team during the company field training exercise, enabling the team to meet or exceed all mission timelines

developed a task assignment matrix to ensure subordinates clearly understood their roles while allowing them to accomplish delegated tasks

built a cohesive team to accomplish all reconnaissance and security tasks with minimal oversight; completely competent

enhanced unit readiness by ensuring his Soldiers completed annual MEDPROS training requirements, raised compliance from xx to xx%

depicted sound forbearing, managed priorities; contributed to unit success by identifying and clarifying obstacles; ranked in the top xx% of the company

managed mandatory requirements to ensure his boat detachment equipment was operational and secure

achieved all tasks in a satisfactory manner; supported the commander’s safety and SHARP programs; accounted for all assigned equipment

enforced the unit safety program during ranges, motor pool operations, and training events leading to zero injuries

developed a strong prioritized work plan and anticipated change; completed all missions then assisted others to meet theirs

supervised an effective maintenance program in the platoon; maintained readiness at xx% with no past due services

maintained accountability of all assigned equipment with zero losses or damage

conducts daily inspections of Soldiers to ensure compliance of Army and unit standards

ensured training calendars are distributed to family members for awareness

uses lessons learned to improve training and processes in his unit; detail oriented; always meets assigned suspenses

enforced strict composite risk management and safety procedures achieving zero safety violations during rating period

tracked all MEDPROS and training requirements ensuring unit was deployment ready; continually sought effective methods to enhance readiness

provided appropriate amount of supervision to develop subordinates without sacrificing mission completion; built a cohesive team operating with minimal oversight

ensured tank crews were recognized for their performance during gunnery and field training events

assisted in maintaining 100% accountability of facilities and equipment valued over $xM

trained his platoon during STX, CLFX, and MRE in deployment preparation, resulting in 100% first time GOs during the battalion external evaluation

reinvigorated the unit NCODP program focusing NCOs on critical skills required of effective leaders

performed an integral role as the 1SG; his leadership, expertise, and high standards profoundly affected the company's ability to function during his tenure

ensured all test materials, lesson plans, POIs, and guest books were updated in preparation for TRADOC accreditation

achieved all tasks in a satisfactory manner; supported the commander’s safety and SHARP programs and accounted for all assigned equipment

committed to the mission; focused attention to detail in evidence collection directly resulted in the apprehension of x high value individuals

enforced safety during ranges, motor pool operations, range density rotations, and all training events; resulted in zero injuries during the rating period

set the example in the battalion for NBC proficiency, often lends his expertise to other companies, improving their NBC training

planned and executed an immunization program for reserve battalion allowing over 200 personnel to receive all required shots

operated HWMMV in convoy operations over 2000 miles with no safety violations or accidents during Operation Joint Guard

ensured his team's equipment, living area, and vehicles were maintained in a high state of readiness

as a jumpmaster, his emphasis on safety resulted in numerous airborne operations with no injuries

established a quality control program that conserved supplies and funds

encouraged subordinates to further their education by enrolling in college courses

supervised impeccable quality control of daily intelligence products for seven General Officers and nine senior staff members

maintained 100% accountability of over $45,000 worth of equipment and more than 400 classified documents

planned and executed 100% recovery of $60K of unit equipment from three different locations

maintained over 3,000 items of cryptographic communications equipment

maximizes the use of all available resources to accomplish any mission

enforced risk reduction measures resulting in no accidents or personnel injuries despite the unit's high operational tempo

spearheaded the company aluminum can recycling program producing over $1,500 dollars

implemented an effective way to manage PMCSs for six wheeled vehicles, five trailers, and four generators

acted as safety officer for numerous live fire exercises without incident

accounted for all platoon equipment during company deactivation

supervised quality control and dissemination of hundreds of daily intelligence products throughout the USAREUR AOR

took responsibility for all actions

maintained 100% accountability of all assigned equipment and classified material

possessed the moral courage to take responsibility for his actions regardless of the circumstances

developed subordinates by encouraging them to always accept greater responsibility

developed junior NCOs and Soldiers with an aggressive professional attitude by encouraging them to pursue their higher education

developed and supervised the Brigade's Force Protection plan resulting in zero incidents or compromise

performed quality control for five intelligence and mission-related products to ensure there was no deviation from the established standard

Exceeded Standard

Became BLS instructor; ensured 100 percent recertification for medical platoon

completed Cold Weather Leader Course; assisted in training 160 Soldiers for rigorous field training exercises during winter

cross-trained Soldiers to function in all areas of S3 operations

earned the Army Basic Instructor Badge

driving force behind overhauling profile PT; developed battalion SOP with an athletic trainer to return xx% of injured IET Soldiers back to training

implemented a rigorous Special Emphasis PRT program removing xx Soldiers from the Army Body Composition Program

emphasis on development resulted in xx personnel passing the Master Gunner course and xx passing NCOES schools with more than xx% receiving honors

coordinates with other first sergeants in the battalion to ensure readiness; selfless leader who uses his abilities for the benefit of the larger organization

provided thoughtful oversight and feedback during gunnery training allowing all crews to overcome deficiencies; qualified all xx vehicles with x distinguished crews

detailed planning and preparation for missions earned constant praise and recognition from JRTC O/CTs; focused on continual improvement throughout the rotation

designated as lead platoon for the task force during NTC Rotation xx-xx; led company in confirmed kills throughout the rotation

coached xx teams through platoon STX lanes during NTC train-up; resulted in x teams being recognized for fastest ready time during NTC rotation

received accolades for developing, processing, and tracking xxx Instructor Certification packets and reducing processing time by xx%

emphasized safety through extensive risk management; responsible for the unit earning the Army Safety Award for the x consecutive year

supervised the installation and testing of a remote site antenna system; saved the unit $xK in installation fees

demonstrated extraordinary networking skills ensuring the NCO Academy was appropriately linked to TRADOC learning institutions and higher headquarters

created a highly inspirational environment for the NCOA staff, ALC, and SLC students to train, broaden their creativity, and execute experiential learning methods

superbly monitored performance to identify strengths and correct weaknesses; resulted in 100% graduation rate of xxx NCOES students

gained working knowledge of local language to facilitate effective communication between Soldiers and local nationals working in his section

created a program enabling the unit to exceed standards during the Department of the Army Environmental inspection resulting in “Best in Garrison”

enabled x companies in the battalion to meet or exceed DA goals by turning-in excess equipment within a xx day period, saving the Army more than $xxx K

number one producer of new recruits in the entire recruiting command with xx% tier I applicants

can achieve mission success with little or no guidance; performs at a high level

trained and familiarized more than xxx Soldiers on the use and maintenance of night vision devices and communications equipment; increased operator fault diagnosis by xx%

placed a strong emphasis on Soldier and equipment safety, section performed more than xxx service and support missions without incident and accident free

led an OCONUS deployment to and redeployment from _____; accounted for $xx million in property without loss

completed the TRADOC level Connelly evaluation of 12 installations ahead of schedule and at minimum cost

monitored ammunition issues during Operation Just Cause without loss, shortage or discrepancy

maintained the barracks to the highest standards and was personally commended in writing by the Brigade Commander

drove 2,000 accident-free miles during three major division level exercises

successfully executed over 1500 missions without incident

enforced command supply discipline program which scored 100% in recent inspection

instrumental in earning over five thousand dollars for the Battalion Recycle Program

emphasis on safety resulted in two companies receiving Commanding General Safety Awards

disbursed over $200,000 monthly in public funds without a loss or overage of funds

received Aviation Logistics School safety award for 2-year superior performance

only Troop to constantly have three gunships ready to fight during Division ARTEP

processed 30,000 memorandums and 125,000 data entries with 99% accuracy, maintaining 48 hour backlog

continued to excel at LTC level in managing $750 million of prepositioned stocks

fielded the CSM Course twenty months ahead of the TRADOC standard

received commendable for Safety during Brigade Inspection

maintained 100% accountability of over $2 million in equipment in new $25 million training facility

exceeded requirements to support unit during NTC 89-11 and completed equipment turn-in within one day

personally instituted barracks reforms which reduced annual property loss from $20,000 to zero

maintained a 100% accountability of his squad's assigned BII and MILES II equipment with a 100% readiness rate

formulated a $118,000 budget to meet all of MTC Europe demands for training

created tracking spreadsheet on over 50 separate items of classified electronic media

coordinated the movement of 184,000 pounds of equipment worth over $2.5 million maintaining 100 percent accountability

executed eight squad and platoon live fire exercises, without injury or damage

expertly managed section's supplies, decreasing discard by 90% over previous year and saving the department over $65,000

scored excellent on Maintenance Inspection Assistance Team Inspection visit

commended by V Corps Arty CSM as standard for "Quality of Life" environment for single soldier billeting area

Far Exceeded Standard

earned the coveted Expert Field Medical Badge

platoon captured number one and two of the brigade’s high value targets during recent deployment

prioritized safety in all operations, including x small arms ranges and x field exercises; led to the company earning the Army Safety Streamer and no AGARs

earned Drill Sergeant of the Cycle honors four times during rated period

cultivated a mindset to get better every day; encouraged subordinates to introduce ideas for improving the operating efficiency of the organization

provided the necessary top cover to eliminate distractions in his unit; allowed subordinates the time and opportunity to excel

deployed/redeployed S3 section with zero accidents/incidents and no loss of equipment

recognized for his exemplary performance by the Commander, Operations Group in the final AAR during NTC Rotation xx-xx

his attention to detail improved over xx% of the annual brigade CIP areas; 100% of the previous "needs improvement" areas were fixed

emphasis on Soldier development resulted in x distinguished honor graduate(s), x Soldiers recognized on the Commandant's List, and the Brigade NCO of the Year

earned the Army Senior Instructor Badge/Army Master Instructor Badge; completed more than 400/880 hours of instruction over mandated requirements

as deputy commandant, led his SGLs to earning an Institute of Excellence rating though determination, drive, and the passion for excellence

managed world-class leadership training for xx AC and RC NCOs resulting in a competent and adaptive NCO corps exceeding the needs of a developing Army

received Commanding General’s three star award for outstanding performance during JRTC xx-xx

her superior planning, organization, and coordination led to the most successful unit deployment and redeployment to receive the Army’s Deployment Excellence Award

planned and coordinated the battalion truck rodeo which became a brigade standard; cited as key to improved vehicle operators and accident decline within the brigade

maintained 100% accountability of all assigned property with a value more than $xM; filled $xxx worth of shortages through reuse agencies

resourced a $xxK project with a private sector host at no cost to the organization to enhance training selection for the future Soldier

always mission ready, thinking outside of the box; capable of turning any mission into a great success—clearly head and shoulders above his/her peers

acknowledged for resourcefulness in going beyond expectations; performs at level(s) above grade

is a reliable source that the chain of command & NCO support channel can depend on to get the most demanding, difficult, and challenging tasks done

completed _____ course with an average score of 95% or better

Did Not Meet Standard

failed to supervise subordinates; relieved for inefficiency and replaced by junior NCO; marred unit’s ability to enforce standards and execute assigned tasks

failed to maintain sensitive item accountability; lost equipment resulted in a unit lockdown in excess of xx hours

failed to supervise subordinates and follow proper maintenance procedures; resulted in the loss of $xK worth of repair equipment

failed to supervise and manage accountability of $xM worth of MTOE equipment, resulted in losses exceeding of $xxK

failed to conduct pre-combat inspections before missions during unit FTX, directly resulted in mission failure

did not account for contingencies/managing priorities of work during preparation for operations resulting in squad failing PCIs and missing departure time

demonstrated little regard for the security and accountability of sensitive items during the battalion CULMEX; resulted in the loss of x masks and x night vision goggles

required maximum supervision to produce marginal results

failed to supervise subordinates; relieved for ineffectiveness and replaced by junior NCO

routinely failed to meet suspenses directed by his higher headquarters; failed to execute tasks and assignments on time; submitted x of x NCOERs late

failed to maintain standards; section rating decreased from excellent to satisfactory

cannot maintain team cohesion during training events; results in platoon demoralization

reported to work under the influence of alcohol and could not execute his duties

unable to adapt to change; violated EO principles by unfairly targeting female NCOs for their performance

failed to maintain proper accountability upon return from FTX; lost equipment/sensitive items valued in excess of $xxK

created an environment of conflict; made numerous negative comments about the commander to subordinate leaders

failure to adequately forecast training requirements led to shortages of ammunition and pyrotechnics during squadron training events

issued insufficient guidance and provided limited supervision to new Bradley crews during deployment preparation resulting in numerous safety violations

demonstrated a lack of leadership skill; lacks the confidence, managerial skills, and ability to make immediate decisions without supervisor's guidance

failed to supervise subordinates and follow proper maintenance procedures resulting in the loss of $___ worth of equipment

Take advantage of our exclusive promotion! For a limited time, if you provide us with new unique NCOER or awards bullets, we will refund or provide a credit for a single NCOER Bullet Tool or Awards Bullet Tool purchase. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to save. Thank you for your support and consideration.

To be eligible for the refund or coupon, you must provide one of the following:

Five (5) awards bullets listed by the award type that are not already in the award bullet tool workbook.

Ten (10) NCOER bullets listed by the evaluation type (SGT, SSG, SFC, etc.) that are not already in the NCOER bullet tool workbook.

If you have a large collection of bullets, you may be eligible to receive payment for each new bullet. Please contact us if you are interested.

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