So what happens when you are TDY, in a school, or go on leave? How do you complete a counseling for your Soldier without compromising integrity? Just type up a memorandum for record that states you were unavailable during the time frame or that you performed a verbal counseling instead. Here is an example
Check with AR 25-50 for proper formatting of an MFR. This template is available in the store.
What do you do when you come across a situation that requires a counseling but you don't know where to start. I would first talk to the legal section to see if they have an examples or templates and to seek legal advice on what to write and how to appropriately handle the situation. One legal section at JBLM compiled a long list of example counseling statements that include the magic bullet for a wide array of different situations you may encounter. Visit the Tools page to grab this for free. Follow the group to receive updates.
Here are the topics of template counseling forms included in the compilation the legal team pushed out.
Even when counseling NCOs and using the NCOER support form, I always finish the counseling session with a 4856 that goes in the packet to have a record to back up my assessment of them in the case of and issues that may arise. This has both protected good Soldiers from being unfairly reprimanded because I had paperwork that showed their competence and growth as well as providing adequate information to include in a packet for administrative actions. Many people think that paperwork is only for getting someone in trouble, this is completely false and has helped many with promotion, selection, and avoidance of wrongful action.
You will be able to find the documents I have created either through Tools page, The Soldier's Spot MilSuite page (CAC required), or the storefront. These presentations, articles, and tools I use take a considerable amount of time to make and I greatly appreciate any support you give by visiting there to support the continuation of these NCOPD topics.
Here are some items you can find at the locations listed above:
Let me ask you now is counseling important to you? If you've made it this far, I'm guessing it is. If it's not, why not?
More importantly, what are you going to do to implement the information here into your leadership style? Think about it and give an example below.
Department of the Army. (2014, July). Developmental Counseling Form (DA Form 4856). Headquarters, Department of the Army.
JBLM Legal Team. (2019, March). Master counseling template.
Morgan, B. (2019, February 7). Future Capabilities or Readiness? It’s Time to Rethink the Army’s Priorities. Modern War Institute.,future%20Army%20(his%20number%20two
‘The time is now’ to transform the Army, says CSA. (2020, October 14). Www.Army.Mil.